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South Fayette Soccer Association

Travel Uniforms

Travel Uniform Ordering Process 


  • Children who are participating in the U10 through U14 travel programs are required to purchase a uniform kit when they register for the season.
  • The uniform kit includes a home jersey (white), an away jersey (green), a pair of black shorts* and a pair of black soccer socks.
  • The kit is not included in the registration fee.
  • Uniforms will be able to used for at least 1 more year (or at least 2 more seasons) and can be passed down or sold (with board approval) after children outgrow them or no longer need them. Travel players will be able to try on uniform kits at the Travel Evaluation sessions in May to pick the best fit for the upcoming season(s). 

Please note that the design of the shorts has changed to an Under Armour soccer short that has a more desirable fit for soccer.  The prior shorts are still usable, but you may order the new shorts to replace the old.  SFSA will have samples available at the Travel Evaluations to try on or refer to this sizing chart for measurements.  Shorts Sizing Chart

If you have questions about uniform fit, please contact us at [email protected].

Pictures can be found in our photo gallery.

Travel Uniform Ordering Frequently Asked Questions

Why do I need to order a uniform when I never have before?

SFSA implemented a new uniform process in 2022 in order to upgrade the quality of the uniforms and to make the uniform distribution process easier for the association.

Will my registration fee cover the cost of my TRAVEL player's uniform?

No, the registration fee will no longer cover the cost of travel uniforms. Travel team registrants will need to order the new travel uniforms through the web site linked above, which will be open during the registration period for the upcoming soccer season.

Will the uniform kit cost the same each season?

The full uniform kit cost may change each season.  The uniform fee goes directly to the SFSA uniform supplier.

Will my registration fee decrease if I am paying for my own uniform?

No, the costs of operating our organization have increased faster than our registration fees, given the size of our organization and growing need for space and supplies.  SFSA travel registration fees are one of the lowest compared to surrounding communities, even with the cost of the uniforms added.  Uniforms will only need to be purchased once for every 2 years (or 4 seasons.). Most surrounding soccer associations have a similar uniform process with similar if not higher registration fees.

What will my registration fee pay for, if not travel uniforms?

Registration fees will be used for other costs of operating the organization such as supplies (goals, paint, balls, etc), measuring, staking and lining fields, referee fees, fees to be part of the PA West association, and possibly new turf fields and field lighting in the township.  Our organization is growing and will require additional supplies to accommodate additional teams.

Will my registration fee cover the cost of my IN-HOUSE player's uniform?

Yes, your registration fee will still cover the cost of in-house uniforms.  You should provide a jersey size on your registration form when you register.

What pieces need to be ordered with each kit? 

2 jerseys (home and away), 1 pair of shorts and 1 pair of socks will need to be ordered for EACH TRAVEL PLAYER.  You may order extras if you desire.

How often will I need to buy a new uniform?

SFSA has committed to using the current uniform design for at least 2 years starting in Fall 2022.  You will only need to reorder if a uniform gets destroyed, lost or your child outgrows it.  You also have the ability to order individual pieces for each season/year based on your child's needs.  

How do I ensure that I order the correct size?

SFSA will have sizing samples available at all Travel Evaluation sessions in May to ensure that you are comfortable ordering.  We recommend ordering 1-2 sizes larger than your child's current size to allow room for growth.

Do jersey numbers matter?

SFSA will assign each child a jersey number and will need to maintain the list of jersey numbers associated with players so that they can be logged with PA West.

My child has a favorite number.  Can they pick their number for their jersey?

Due to the large number of children in our association, we are unable to accommodate jersey number requests.  Your child will be assigned a number at random based on their birth year.  Even numbers will be assigned to even birth years and odd numbers will be assigned to odd birth years.  Their number will be set for the remainder of their SF travel soccer career.

My child has siblings who will be travel age in the next few years.  Can I reuse older siblings' uniforms after they have outgrown them?

Yes, we plan to allow families to pass down uniforms to the best of our ability.  Please let us know if you want to do this and we can try our best to provide initial number assignments with this in mind.  This may not be possible in all cases due to the large number of players.

Can I sell a uniform kit when my child does not need it anymore?

Yes, with SFSA board approval, you may sell your uniform kit as long as the uniform design is still approved.  You must get board approval since jersey numbers need to be tracked and logged with PA West.

Can my children share a uniform kit?

It is not recommended that multiple children share the same uniform kit within the same season.  Game schedule conflicts could arise which would mean that one child would not have a uniform for their game.  Jersey numbers are registered with PA West, so children must wear their correct jersey number for each game.

What is the deadline for ordering uniforms?

It is critical that all orders be placed by the deadline above.  Parents are encouraged to order uniforms as early as possible.  Not ordering by the deadline will jeopardize your child's ability to play soccer in the next season.

My child is in the in-house program.  Do I need to order a uniform for them?

No, you do not need to order a jersey for players in the in-house program.  This includes all Crickets (U6), all U8, and then U10 through U12 in-house programs.  You will document your child's in-house jersey size in the system during the registration process.  In-house players will receive a reversible jersey to wear for games before the start of the season.  There will be no additional cost for in-house jerseys.

My child has been waitlisted for a team.  Should I order a uniform for them?

You should wait to order a uniform until your child has been released from the waitlist and registration is complete.

When will I receive my uniform kit(s)?

Your child will receive their uniform during approximately their first week of practice from their coach.  In order to keep costs of the kits down, we did not allow for an in-home delivery option.

What if my child changes their mind and no longer wants to play soccer in the travel program?

Please take care when ordering as there will be no order modifications, cancellations or exchanges once you have placed your order.

If I have additional questions about uniforms, who should I contact?

Please contact the SFSA at [email protected] with additional questions.

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